Puni - Italy's one and only whisky distillery

Puni distillery

Puni distillery

The first thing that strikes you arriving at Italy’s first and only whisky distillery is that it looks nothing like a distillery.  We are more used to seeing traditional old Doig pagoda chimneys, or at least modern representations of them, but here there is not a chimney in sight.

Designed by local architect Werner Tscholl, it looks at first sight more like a modern art museum than a distillery, which is kind of apt, because making whisky is an art, after all.

Second Whisky Book from Wittenborg University Press Expected by Summer

Second Whisky Book from Wittenborg University Press Expected by Summer

After the success of his first book, Whisky Burn - Distilleries of Scotland by Vespa, Wittenborg writer Ben Birdsall has just finished the draft for his second book, which this time explores the distilleries of Ireland. It will be published in time for the summer season by Wittenborg University Press.